Photograph shows my work inside the display case of Oxford's Pitt Rivers Museum, April 2024
These works, all part of a project I have called carried, constitute the first category of brass work undertaken with the Jaipur Thatheras. The scale of these smaller brass sculptures allows for them to be easily handled, worn and carried around in a pocket. Out of all the pieces I have made with medical blister packaging, this series has been most influenced by the sacred objects I have studied in Oxford's Pitt Rivers Museum. Like the Museum's Hindu necklaces and the famous silver rupee of Akbar, the moment these objects are picked up, their physical and metaphorical weight gives them dignity. The fact that blister packs are, comparatively speaking, weightless makes this particular transformation seem very philosophical. One's hands experience value, the eye sees trash. The mixed message cannot be reconciled except, perhaps, by aesthetic deliberation. Pieces from the Carried project were sited in the Pitt Rivers display case called 'Votive Offerings' and 'Neck and Body Ornaments’ in April 2024.
Since I became an Associate Artist at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, through their Research Fellow, Prof. Chris Dorsett, I have become increasingly interested in developing the kind of arts practice that intervenes in cultural contexts that have political relevance for contemporary Indian artists. At the moment I am still exploring how interventionism works, but it is a form of activism that fits with this Museum's current decolonising policy.
'Votive Offering' and 'Neck and Body Ornaments' cabinets of Pitt Rivers Museum, April 2024